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XRN file

We create an start fulfilling the XML release notes file.


Most of the files we will refer in the remaining of this section, should be available under the Files section. That might help if you get confused, or if you want to overview those file without having to leave this guide.

This is the time to create a fresh new XML file that will comply to the XRN XSD schema that is shipped in the delivery zip XRN file (as well as in the lib/XMLReleaseNotes.jar file, by the way).

Download XRN

Obviously, if you don't download the framework delivery package, you won't go very far. You should be able to download the latest version from XRN site , or from its associated SourceForge web site .


There are two locations, and the first site should always be considered as more up-to-date (minor releases may be available here and not under the SourceForge web site).

So, jump and download the freshest release version. Then unzip it in a save place.

Find the XSD

The name of this XSD is XMLReleaseNotes-M.m.p/src/XMLReleaseNotes.xsd within the zip.


In order to make the guide lighter, we will omit in the rest of the explanation the XMLReleaseNotes-M.m.p/ prefix when refering to files within the XMLReleaseNotes-M.m.p.zip.

You got it, find. You can see that it is full of annotations, which should make its understanding easier. If you open it in a smart XML editor, you will discover the structure of what an XRN release notes file should look like (if you don't understand XSD, it does not matter if you have an editor that checks the well-formness of your XML file).

We will see later on that you can get this file, as well as other important ones, via an Ant task.

Start from an existing XML template file

So as to make things easier and simpler, we will start with a template XRN file. This template is present under doc/XRN-Template.xml. Copy it in the same location where you placed the previous XSD file, rename it so as it reflects the component name. Convention <ComponentName>-XRN.xml seems to be a reasonable convention.


It is important to make live the two previous files in the same directory, for XML/XSD validation purpose.

OK, this is a very tiny XML file. We're going to discover very soon what piece of information it contains.