build date: 2004.05.16
delivery date: 2004.05.16
builder: EMercier
It is now possible to output several HTML pages for a component.

HTML rendering
It is now possible to output the release notes in multiple HTML pages, one per version.
The status is still very beta, but it can already be used.
detail: func enhance
Open source
The project is now proposed as open-source, so that people can contribute.
detail: tech business
<XSLT>  [0.5.0]
Last version
When the 'lastVersion' parameter did not match to anything in the release notes, no HTML was output: this is now fixed.
detail: tech bug-fixing fix

[from 0.0.alpha]XSD 1.0XSD is being use so as to restrict and standardize the release notes structure.
[from 0.0.alpha]XML 1.0All the tiny framework is expressed in XML, so this is of course required to build it.
[from 0.0.alpha]XSLT 1.1The obvious idea is that this framework enables to transforms the XML release notes in whatever text format, and HTML above all.

[from 0.5.1]Ant 1.5.0+This version of Ant is required because we use the XMLCatalog class that only appeared from this version of Ant.
[from 0.3.2]XSLT You need to have an XSLT implementation library like Saxon or Xalan in your Ant 'lib' directory.

XMLReleaseNotes-0.7.0.zipAdditional stylesheets have been added: 'XMLReleaseNotes2HTMLMultiple1.0.xsl' (compliant with XSLT V1.0), 'XMLReleaseNotes2HTMLMultiple2.0.xsl' (compliant with XSLT V2.0) and 'XMLReleaseNotes2HTMLMultipleXalan.xsl' (compliant with Xalan XSLT implementation).
Release notes generated by XMLReleaseNotes V0.17.0