XMLReleaseNotes 0.18.1
start date: 2004.12.16
build date: 2004.01.04
builder: EMercier

<pluginLayout>   [0.17.1], [0.17.0]
Summary plug-in layout
The plug-in layout has bee enhanced, so that it is now possible to generate HTML additional entries at the top level, that is to say for all components.
This is supposed to enable the development of pages that report information concerning all components present in a multi-release notes rendering.
detail: func enhance
contributor: EMercier
Runtime stability
This version should be much more flexibl as far as the runtime environment is concerned.
There used to be problem when the XRN task declaration made reference to jar files outside the Ant 'lib' directory.
This is the reason why the 'URIResolverPath' and 'XRNPath' features have been introduced.
detail: tech fix
contributor: EMercier
'SectionFilter' XSLT model plug-in
The plug-in has been fixed because it used to remove the 'Features' XML element in any case.
A 'showFeature' additional XSLT paramter has been introduced so as to be able to filter on the features as well.
detail: tech fix
contributor: EMercier
URI resolver path
Added the 'URIResolver' inner element to the Ant XRN task, so as to enable the Ant runtime to find the .xsl file present in the task jar.
This is only handy when you define the XRN task via a 'typedef/taskdef' and that the jar is not present under Ant 'lib' directory.
detail: tech technical
contributor: EMercier
Actors plug-in layout
This new plug-in layout takes benefit of the new plug-in layout extension at the level of the summary.
This is just a bootstrap and will be enhanced, but it provides an example.
The idea behind is to generate a kind of hall of fame of the actors involved in the process for a given component.
detail: func enhance
contributor: EMercier
Addes the 'XSLTPath' inner XML element to the Ant XRN task, so as to enable Ant runtime to find the XSLT factory implementation to be loaded when it resides outside the 'lib' directory.
JRE V1.4 should not be concerned with that feature (since Xalan is shipped with the Java runtime) unless they intend to use another implementation that lives outside the 'Ant' lib directory.
detail: tech technical
contributor: EMercier
Delivery section
The rendered HTML pages used to contain 'No delivery' section when no delivery is present for a given version.
This has been removed since it polutes the rendering.
detail: func fix
contributor: EMercier

Release notes generated by XMLReleaseNotes V0.19.2