build date: 2004.05.04
delivery date: 2004.05.04
builder: EMercier
Noticeable evolution concerning the HTML rendering. Some structural minor change. Work has begun as far as friendly-printing is concerned.

<CSS>  [0.6.0], [0.4.0]
Printer friendly
CSS: work begun on a CSS that makes the printing friendly via the 'XMLReleaseNotesPrint.css' stylesheet.
The structure has changed a lot.
Still under beat and this probably massively the default CSS structure.
detail: tech enhance
<dependCompoRequi>  [0.6.0]
Composition, dependencies and requirements
XSL and Ant: added the 'composition', 'dependency' and 'requirement' parameters that enables to control whether those kind of information should be output or not.
detail: func enhance
HTML rendering
The version and delivery column have disappeared and have been integrated to each release, respectively at the top and at the bottom.
detail: tech enhance
<importance>  [0.6.2]
Visibility and Importance
Ant and XSLT: fixed the bug due to the fact that the 'visibility' feature has been changed.
Ant: the 'visibilityThreshold' parameter has been replaced by the 'importanceThreshold' parameter.
detail: func fix
<migration>  [0.6.2], [0.4.1]
BuildingBlock and Item
XSD: turned the 'BuildingBlock' XML element into 'Item' because this is simpler and more apropriate.
A migration XSLT has been provided in order to migrate existing XRN XML release notes.
detail: func enhance

[from 0.0.alpha]XSD 1.0XSD is being use so as to restrict and standardize the release notes structure.
[from 0.0.alpha]XML 1.0All the tiny framework is expressed in XML, so this is of course required to build it.
[from 0.0.alpha]XSLT 1.1The obvious idea is that this framework enables to transforms the XML release notes in whatever text format, and HTML above all.

[from 0.5.1]Ant 1.5.0+This version of Ant is required because we use the XMLCatalog class that only appeared from this version of Ant.
[from 0.3.2]XSLT You need to have an XSLT implementation library like Saxon or Xalan in your Ant 'lib' directory.

XMLReleaseNotes-0.6.4.zipAn additional CSS has been added, the one which is supposed to become printer-friendly, 'src/XMLReleaseNotesPrint.css'. A new XSLT migration 'migration/XMLReleaseNotesConvertorV0.6.2-0.6.4.xsl' has been added.
Release notes generated by XMLReleaseNotes V0.17.0