XMLReleaseNotes 0.19.2
start date: 2005.09.06
build date: 2005.10.04
builder: EMercier

2005-09-02 16:31 Now, uses the libraries from the 'xrn-commons' module.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-02 14:11 The classpath should now be fine.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-02 10:09 Added the 'jaxb-api.jar' to the classpath.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-08-31 20:43 Added the 'XSD2Java.jar' source location.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-08-27 17:15 The Eclipse settings for the project.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-02 16:35 Now, depends on the 'xrn-commons' Eclipse project.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-10-04 17:21 Fixed the 'PLINK_FILE_PATH' property value (missing '\').
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-10-04 17:20 The 'plink.exe' executable is now customized. The current date is now computed dynamically.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-06 09:35 Minor formatting change.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-02 18:09 Introduced the 'ECLIPSE.3.1_HOME_PATH' machine-specific property.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-10-04 17:20 The 'plink.exe' executable is now customized. The current date is now computed dynamically.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-06 09:34 Prepared for the V0.19.2.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-04 17:53 The new common buildfile, in order to make the distinction with the 'build-XRNCommon.xml' file present in the 'xrn-commons' module.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-04 17:53 The buildfile that contains all utility targets.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-04 18:08 Replaced by the 'build-common.xml' file.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-02 16:47 Now, requires and uses the 'xrn-commons' module.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-08-28 15:29 Removed the useless delivery file path and name, since Ant allows to express 'fileset' with a 'file' attribute.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-08-27 17:12 Added the 'init.Java' target.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-08-27 15:38 Made the scripts more open, in order to use them in the 'org.xrn.eclipse' CVS module and project.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-06 09:34 Fixed and shifted the 'prepareNewVersion' target.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-05 09:14 Added the integral 'org.xrn.core' package to the compilation.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-04 21:21 The computation of the actors XML file is now abolute.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-04 17:54 Major refactoring: the 'xrn-build' artefact is now used.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-02 16:47 Add the mising 'init' target dependency on the 'buildAntTask' target.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-08-27 15:50 Fixed the default target, which did not exist anymore.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-10-04 18:16 Shift the 'getCVSDifferences' target from the 'build-common.xml' to the 'build-XRNWebSite.xml'.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-04 17:54 Major refactoring: the 'xrn-build' artefact is now used.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-10-04 20:24 Fixed the unitary tests launch.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-10-04 19:52 Re-introduced the 'releaseWebSite' target.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-08-28 15:29 Removed the useless delivery file path and name, since Ant allows to express 'fileset' with a 'file' attribute.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-10-04 19:44 Fixed the directory creation that was missing in the 'getCVSDifferences' target.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-30 23:21 The 'getCVSDifferences' have been a bit revisited. The 'xmltask' declaration is now factorized.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-10-04 17:59 Contribution for the V0.19.2.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-30 23:22 Contribution for the V0.19.2.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-08 06:41 Updated for the V0.19.2. Migrated to this forthcoming new format.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-05 16:38 The release notes do not contain the 'xmlns=""' statements anymore.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-04 18:04 Updated for the V0.19.1.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-08-22 18:24 Fixed the 'Contributors' and 'AskingPersons' XML elements order.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-08-21 17:48 Prepared for the V0.19.1.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-06 14:08 Now, handles the 'xrn:XMLReleaseNotes/@XRNVersion' attribute.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-08-21 17:33 Fixed the bug order of the 'AskingPersons' and 'Contributors' XML elements.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-07 20:08 Now, removes the empty namespace declarations.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-06 14:23 The migration XSL between V0.19.0 and V0.19.2 of the framework.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-07 20:43 Describes the activity of the XRN official web site.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-07 20:45 Migrated to XRN V0.19.2.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-30 23:14 Fixed the XML namespace approrixmations. Updated with new entries.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-08-21 17:26 Some various logos for the XRN project.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-07 20:36 The XRN migration is now performed if necessary.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-06 16:20 Renamed the 'getXMLDocumentFromXRNFile()' method, and decomposed it.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-06 14:24 The 'XMLReleaseNotes' class has been inherited: refactoring in order to be able to invoke the migration facility in a more natural way.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-06 07:08 Removed the now unnecessary 'getVersion()' method, and uses the 'Constants.XRN_VERSION' instead.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-01 15:16 Uses the brand new 'org.xrn.core.Constants' static class.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-01 15:18 Marked as deprecated.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-01 15:15 A class that enables to access some constants on the framework. Replaces the 'org.xrn.ant.XRNConstante' one.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-06 16:20 Renamed the 'getXMLDocumentFromXRNFile()' method, and decomposed it.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-06 15:06 The migration step during the XML reading has been commented out for the moment.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-06 09:46 Removed the useless import statements.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-05 09:14 The class repsonsible for reading and writting the release notes under the XRN format.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-06 14:25 The 'XMLReleaseNotes' class has been inherited: refactoring in order to be able to invoke the migration facility in a more natural way.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-08-05 21:05 Initial for changes in version 0.19
detail: vsc
contributor: CManeg
2005-08-05 21:23 to be sure to have the right version in cvs
detail: vsc
contributor: CManeg
2005-09-13 19:00 Adjustments for new XSD version
detail: vsc
contributor: CManeg
2005-08-21 18:48 Made the code compliant with the new 'ActorType' XSD element.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-13 19:41 Little corrections
detail: vsc
contributor: CManeg
2005-08-21 17:28 Since the 'ActorType' has been added to the XSD, it is now used.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-30 23:13 Added the 'split' parameter.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-30 22:06 Fixed the bug when the target version (denoted by the 'releaseVersion' parameter) does not have a 'Features' section.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-05 20:33 Takes into account the XRN namespace.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-30 23:13 Fixed the XML namespace approximations. Changed the default values of the parameters, so as to provide a better default behaviour.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-30 22:49 Fixed the bug due to the remaining '@contributorID' and '@askingPersonID' deprecated attributes on the 'Feature' XML element.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-30 23:12 Fixed the XML namespace approximations.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-08 10:33 Removed the old release notes file, which is present a long time ago in the 'setup' directory.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-05 16:37 Made the namespace visible ('qualified'), so as to prevent stupid no-namespace inner elements.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-08-21 17:19 Added some annotations to the 'ActorType' XML element.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-08-21 17:12 Made the actors a complex type, instead of letting it defined inline twice.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-05 20:32 Takes into account the XRN namespace.
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
2005-09-05 07:49 Fixed the bug of the warning message, which did not take into account the 'XRNVersion' renamed attribute (which used to be named 'version').
detail: vsc
contributor: EMercier
<VSC>   [0.15.0], [0.6.6], [0.6.1]
The CVSModel XSLT plug-in
Fixed the CVS XSLT model, which is used to be buggy when the 'Feature' XML element was not present.
detail: tech fix
contributor: EMercier
CVSModel XSLT plug-in 'split' parameter
Added an extra parameter named 'split', which enables to indicate whether each commit action into CVS should produce its own feature or not.
detail: func enhance
contributor: EMercier
<XRNActorsModel>   [0.19.1], [0.19.0]
Deprecated attributes
Some asking persons and contributors did not appear in the final HTML transformation, because the taking into account of deprecated attributes on the 'Feature' was not disabled.
detail: tech fix
contributor: EMercier
<XSD>   [0.18.2], [0.18.0], [0.14.0], [0.10.0], [0.8.0], [0.6.6]
The XRN namespace is made visible ('qualified').
Removed the double definition of the 'Actor' type.
detail: tech fix
contributor: EMercier

Release notes generated by XMLReleaseNotes V0.19.2